Case Studies

Donnacha Burke

The football academy appealed to me as I get to play football while I study. I want to do an apprenticeship or get a job working in the sports industry, and my course equips me with the skills to explore these opportunities in the future. More...

Procision Football Academy

Laura Pearce

As a teaching assistant, I find the course extremely relevant to my job. The course has taught me a lot about children’s learning development, and I’m applying what I’ve learnt so far within my role at the school where I work. Studying for a degree in Newbury is an advantage to me. I was thrilled that UCN’s partnership with the University of Reading made this possible for me. More...

Foundation Degree in Children's Development and Learning

Wates Construction logo

I always find it difficult to pitch the right level of task for our trainees, let alone a T Level student that has limited knowledge of construction. However, I was quite surprised how [they] grabbed hold of my task and were confident in their actions. Read more...

Jason Wooldridge
Operations Director - Wates Construction

Will Sandell

I really liked the look of the T Level course when I came in on my induction day and my induction week. I want to make quite a lot of money when I'm older, and I thought that business is a good way to do that. More...

T Level Foundation Year: Management and Administration