
James, Ryan, Pedro, Tommy and Zach at Newbury College

TikTok-famous boyband, Here At Last, has visited Newbury College for an important talk on bullying, online safety and mental health.

Teacher by whiteboard with students teaching mechanics at Newbury College

Newbury College and University Centre Newbury are looking for talented industry specialists to share their skills as part of a new national recruitment drive for the Further Education (FE) sector.

Abbie Hill from Reading-based music and arts charity Readipop presents a Roland X0X Project masterclass

Music Technology students at Newbury College have been laying down the tracks to their future careers with guest lectures and interactive sessions with leading industry experts.

From left to right: Cobie Milsom, Helen Stevens, Shaun Daubney, Alison Maccabbe, George Fitzgerald, Helen Peake and Royston Peake

Staff and students are celebrating two wins at this year’s West Berkshire Learner Achievement Awards.